JUMP TOSingle PaymentsClient hostedGet institutions listgetCreate a payment request with linkpostInitiate payment requestpostWithdraw a payment requestpostSingle PaymentsOrdo hostedCreate a payment request with linkpostGet single payment requestgetGet all payment requestsgetWithdraw a biller delivered payment requestpostCreate a new payment request that Ordo sendspostWithdraw a payment request sent via OrdopostAgree an extension requestpostDecline an extension requestpostRecurring payment mandatesClient hostedCreates a new sweeping VRP MandatepostGets a list of institutionsgetVRP Client hosted - Creates a domestic-vrp-consent at the ASPSP and returns the authorization URL.postRetrieves an existing VRP mandategetGets all VRP mandates associated with a participantgetGets a VRP TransactiongetGets VRP Transactions for VRP Mandate and Participant combogetExecute a payment using a VRP MandatepostCancels a VRP MandatepostRecurring payment mandatesOrdo hostedCreates a new sweeping VRP mandatepostExecute a payment using a VRP mandatepostCancels a VRP mandatepostRetrieves an existing VRP mandategetGets all VRP mandates associated with a participantgetGets a VRP transactiongetGets VRP transactions for VRP mandate and Participant combogetRefundsProcessing refundsGet payer's account information for a refundgetACCOUNT DATAAccount Data - Client HostedGets a list of AIS enabled institutionsgetCreates a new AIS requestpostExecute a data request using an AIS consentpostGets transaction data held in storagegetRetrieves an existing AIS consentgetGets all AIS consents associated with a participantgetCancels an AIS RequestpostGets a data requestgetGets data requests for AIS consent and ParticipantgetCreates an AIS consent at the bank, and returns the authorisation URLpostACCOUNT DATAAccount Data - Ordo HostedCreates a new AIS requestpostExecute a data request using an AIS consentpostGets transaction data held in storagegetRetrieves an existing AIS consentgetGets all AIS consents associated with a participantgetCancels an AIS RequestpostGets transaction data held in storagegetGets data requests for AIS consent and ParticipantgetUser managementParticipantCreate a new participantpostRetrieve participant detailsgetUpdate participant detailsputDelete a Participant.deleteRetrieve participants associated with a usergetRetrieve the webhooks stored against a participantgetCreates a webhook for a participantpostDeletes a webhook for a participantdeleteRetrieve customisations specific to a participantgetCreate customisations specific to a participantpostDelete customisations specific to a participantdeleteDocumentsManaging documentsUpload documents to Ordo platformpostRetrieve a documentgetRetrieve documents within a specified batchgetBank account configurationBank accountsRetrieve bank account informationgetDelete a bank accountdeleteUpdate a bank accountputAdd a bank accountpostRetrieve bank account detailsgetGet biller account id by bank accountgetPowered by Creates a new sweeping VRP mandatepost https://test.api.ordopay.com/obi/v1/VRPMandate/sweepingCreates a new VRP mandate