Client hosted - UX


This section provides guidance on best practices for a better payer experience for your end customers and also outlines industry requirements on what information must be displayed to payers during the payment or Variable Recurring Payment (‘VRP’) mandate authorisation flow. Industry requirements need to be satisfied prior to any ‘go-live’ and Ordo will need to sign-off as part of the onboarding process from Staging to Production.

Client hosted requirements

Ordo information

The Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSRs 2017) require information about Ordo to feature in the payment and mandate authorisation flows. As the Client Hosted products allow you to control your customer’s user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), Ordo requires you display this information within your UI. Below is an example the Ordo name and terms could be displayed to end customers:

Single payment;
Pay direct from your bank account, using online banking. Ordo will transfer you securely to your bank so you can approve the payment.

We [Company name] provide this service with our FCA authorised partner Ordo – Ordo terms

Pay direct from your bank account by authorising a Variable Recurring Mandate, using online banking. Ordo will transfer you securely to your bank so you can authorise the mandate.

We [Company name] provide this service with our FCA authorised partner Ordo – Ordo terms

Payment success confirmation

We’re required by the PSRs to display a message stating payment has been successful immediately after the initiation of the payment. Please ensure you display a ‘Payment successful’ or similar message once the payment has been made in your flow.

Your information

Increase your likelihood of being paid and having a good relationship with your customer by payment requests or VRP mandate authorisation displaing:
• clear terms and conditions
• clear cancellation, returns and refunds policies (as applicable)
• payer/customer support arrangements, with clear contact details

Enabling informed consumer decision making

You must provide end customers with sufficient information to enable them to make an informed decision when making a payment or authorising a VRP mandate. As a minimum, the client hosted flows should display:

Payment toSingle payment
ReferenceSingle payment
Due dateSingle payment
AmountSingle payment
Payment toRecurring payment mandate
ReferenceRecurring payment mandate
Due dateRecurring payment mandate
Start date, i.e. date consent was first grantedRecurring payment mandate
End dateRecurring payment mandate
ParametersRecurring payment mandate
Status flag which is “Active”Recurring payment mandate
Warnings or alerts if the consent is close to expiryRecurring payment mandate

Client hosted obligations


The bank names and logos provided in the Get Institutions response are regularly updated to ensure the naming conventions and branding is up to date, and include new banks when they are added. It is therefore a requirement to call this API during each end user journey and to also display the ordo Institution Id and icon to the end user as per API response.

Confirming VRP mandate set-up

The confirmation of mandate set-up is important to reassure the end customer that their instructions have been accepted
Providing a confirmation could also give payers a reference point to refer to. This would go someway to reducing the risk of payer confusion, which can lead to customer complaints.

Notifying your customer of the upcoming transaction

To maintain goodwill with your customer and increase the likelihood of payment, it is best practice to remind your customer payment will be taken around 48 hours before payment is due to be debited.

Mandate parameters

Ordo is required, by the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA’s) Consumer Duty, to ensure our services are used in a way that results in good consumer outcomes. We are required to ensure that consumers and SMEs are provided with services that are:

• appropriate for them,
• good value,
• understood, and
• appropriately supported.

These outcomes must be achieved whilst adhering to three cross-cutting rules, to:

• act in good faith towards customers,
• avoid causing foreseeable harm, and
• enable and support customers in achieving their financial objectives.

To enable Ordo to comply with these oblgiations, mandate parameters presented to end customers must be reasonable and appropriate for the use case and take into account the nature and value of the underlying goods or services. Should mandates be set with unreasonable and inappropriate parameters, Ordo reserve the right to contact the biller, cancel individual mandates, and in extremis switch off the service.

Mandate management

The ability to cancel an existing VRP mandate must be made available to an end customer. It is worth noting that the “vrpAuthUrl”, which is supplied by Ordo for end customer authorisation, can be reused to display the mandate details which includes, status, beneficiary name, payment reference, valid from date, valid to date, mandate parameters and the data and amount of any transactions already made under that mandate. This URL can be represented to the end customer to satisfy this obligation.

Disputes handling

If an end customer raises a dispute, Ordo or the bank involved will each direct the end customer to you to resolve the dispute in the first instance, where they reasonably consider that the Merchant is the most appropriate person to resolve the dispute.

Should a payment be made in error, then Ordo and the bank will work in conjunction to resolve the error.


If you intend to use Ordo's refund capability and the bank that your end customer selects supports the sharing of refund data, you must inform the end customer that you will be collecting their payer details during the payment request authorisation process. This is a requirement set out in the Open Banking standards and is outlined in the Ordo client hosted contract.
Not all banks support the sharing of refund data and therefore it is recommended that you only display any messaging when they select a bank that supports this flow. This information will be in the response of the GET Institutions call.

Example copy:

So that we can provide a refund if necessary, we will ask your bank to share your sort code and account number with us. We will use these to process any refund requests you might make.

We will not use these details for any other reason.

For more information on Ordo Refunds, please go to the Refund page.