Withdrawing or expiring a single payment

Learn how to withdraw or expire a single payment request

Once a payment request has been created, you may want/need to withdraw it, so that the payer can't pay the request. Ordo offers a number of 'reasons' for withdrawing, which cater for the most common use-cases - see below for details.

You can also set the expiry date of the single payment request to any time/date beyond the creation time/date, with no further action available to the client customer. It is a business decision as to whether you wish to Withdraw a payment requests or let them Expire in line with the due date. From a client customer perspective there is very little difference as the payer will not be able to interact with the request, including not being able to view/download any documents appended to the request

You can advise the payer with one of the following options:

NOLONGERNEEDEDNo longer needed
SENTINERRORSent in error

Example - withdraw endpoint:


    "smartRequestId": "1dff3499-91b5-4278-8695-ad92bd466ce7",
    "senderParticipantId": 1225,
    "recipientParticipantId": 1225,

    "messageType": "WITHDRAW",
    "withdrawReasonCode": "NOLONGERNEEDED",
    "withdrawReasonText": "No longer needed"