

Quick Checkout Journey - Client white-labelling

Using the Ordo BillerDelivery API, Ordo API clients can manage the presentment of payment requests to your customers in a way of your choosing (PayNow button, QR code/payment link, SMS, WhatsApp, Email etc). As such, the Ordo Quick Check Out (QCO) journey is the first point at which your customers, as part of the end-to-end user experience, will be redirected away from your website and/or process and introduced to Ordo as a payment solution.

The Ordo BillerDelivery product, allows you to enhance your customers’ experience through the white-labelling of the Ordo QCO journey, using your company branding.

Note, white-labelling of the Ordo QCO journey is also possible for SendViaOrdo. Please ask the Ordo on boarding team for more information.

An example of the non-customised and customised QCO Payer flows can be found below:

Example 1 - Standard Ordo payer journey (mobile view - pre & post payment)

Example 2 - Customised Ordo payer journey (mobile view - pre & post payment). Note - the ‘tick’ on the confirmation screen (last screen) uses the same colour as the button

Please note that the QCO journey website URL will still contain ‘’ in the address and the Ordo brand must be referenced by the banks in the Open Banking payment journey. This is an FCA requirement. Therefore, it is recommended that Ordo clients inform their customers that they will be making a payment via Ordo within the client’s website/request presentment journey. This will mean that the customer is aware of Ordo’s involvement, so will reduce the risk of abandoned payment journeys.

The newSmartRequestBDRLink endpoint features 3 object fields that allow our API customers to input a URL to redirect your customers to the correct merchant hosted webpage.

As part of this feature the Ordo platform will append the payment request ID ("smartRequestId") as a query string to the BDR redirect URLs you supply when creating a payment request. This will allow all payment journeys, made by your customers, to be more easily reconciled against the created request.

These are outlined below:

  • bdrRedirectURL – redirect back to merchant, payment successful
  • bdrCancelURL – Redirect back to merchant, payment cancelled
  • bdrErrorURL – redirect back to merchant, payment error at bank

These fields are designed to give you flexibility for handling all known payer journeys. More information can be found within the API section

Please note: if a bdrRedirectURL is not provided, the payer will be directed to an Ordo branded page, where the journey will end.

Ordo white-labelling form guide

  • Navbar Biller Participant Logo: This would be your Company's logo, placed in top left hand of screen (replacing the default Ordo logo)
  • Navbar Background Colour: This is the bar running across the top of the screen (behind the logo)
  • Button Background Colour: This is the colour you want all the CTA buttons throughout the payer journey to be (Ordo's default is teal)
  • Button Hover Colour: An alternate colour for button when user’s mouse is hovering over a button (Ordo default is a darker shade of teal)
  • Button Text Colour: The colour you want button text to be (Ordo default is white)
  • Button Border Radius: If you want the button to have a border
  • Hide ‘Powered by Ordo’ Branding: Optionally you can remove reference to Ordo; but as Ordo appears as part of the customer experience while redirected to their bank, we’d recommend you leave this visible to customers

Hex values should be provided for all colours. Examples can be found on the Ordo white-labelling form.

Please return your form to support